CIS 565: GPU Programming and ArchitectureFall 2012
University of Pennsylvania |
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Course Overview • FAQ • Schedule • Student Work • Previous semester |
DescriptionGPU hardware, CUDA, massively parallel algorithms, graphics pipeline, real-time rendering, 3D engine architecture, OpenGL, OpenGL ES, WebGL, and mobile GPUs. This is a project-intensive course with significant coding, writing, and presenting. Prerequisites
Patrick Cozzi, Teaching Assistant
Karl Li, Meeting
Monday and Wednesday, 6-7:30pm, Moore 212 Online
Recommonded BooksNo books are required, but course material comes from many sources including:
Academic IntegrityAn academic integrity violation will result in the student receiving an F in this course. See Academic Integrity at the University of Pennsylvania: A Guide for Students. Lab Resources
AcknowledgementsChanges to the course for this semester are based on input from many passionate folks in our field: Johan Andersson, (@repi),Quarup Barreirinhas, (@quarup), Wolfgang Engel, (@wolfgangengel), Mikkel Gjoel, (@pixelmager), Eric Haines, (@pointinpolygon), Dominik Lazarek, (@Omme), Emil Persson, (@_Humus_), and Christophe Riccio, (@g_truc); and the input of previous students, including: Xing Du, Karl Li, Ian Lilley. Joe Kider, Gary Katz, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian taught this course before me, and their contributions are many. |